Rails is well-know web framework which is completely written in Ruby. I am not going to explain what Rails is and why you should start learning it..You can find many online resources to learn and master rails..
Rbenv is a simple Ruby version management tool which is similar to RVM..i prefer Rbenv over RVM because it is light and it uses shims to choose appropriate ruby versions.
Configure Git
Go to GitHub settings page and paste the generated ssh and then check your ssh key..
ssh -T git@github.com
You should get a message like this:
Hi "your name" You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
Install NodeJS
Install Rails
gem install rails
You should now tell rbenv to make the rails executable available.
rbenv rehash
Check rails version
Install Heroku
Lets create a sample Rails application and deploy in heroku using git..
Heroku uses PostgreSQL db and rails_12factor gem to serve static assets so lets open up our Gemfile and include those gems..
Commit those changes to git and deploy the app in heroku
Open heroku app
heroku open
You would see an error page because after rails 4.0, for some technical reason heroku doesn’t show rails default home page but you could create your own page and deploy in heroku…
We have successfully installed all the required packages and tool to make our distro ready for production..If you are not interested to do all these installations manually you should checkout Thoughbot’s laptop script that will install everything for you…